问题标题 : QuecGNSS for EC200U
工单编号 : LZV464009454770 工单类型 : 需求 提交时间 : 2021-10-18 13:46:06 工单状态 : 完成
联系方式 : 邮件 联系信息 : dezdeepblue@yahoo.com
问题描述: Again due to the work order ticketing problem I have to close the previous one(PYRX95495911500) and open a new work order. When I run *('modules') I see "QuecGnss" and "GNSS" modules. The latter is the modules and methods related to the external GNSS example. when I run import QuecGnss; *(QuecGnss) I can see its methods. I'm assuming that there is a module and methods for utilizing the internal GNSS of the module in the QuecPython. Am I wrong? My module is registered to the network and is working properly. I'm just using the module for study and evaluating the capability and potential of the module. We are still looking for the module variant for o* region.
客服 - david.tang : 已收到您的工单,我们将会尽快安排人手进行处理。 2021-10-18 13:52:07
客服 - david.tang :
  1. use“import modem        modem.getDevFwVersion()” Check the version name,and then give it back to me

  2. For the instructions for the use of quecgnss, since it has not been officially launched, it is only briefly described as follows:

    import quecgnss


    quecgnss.gnssEnable(1)  # Turn GNSS on and off. 1 means on, 0 means off, and quecgnss. Init() is on by default after execution. This sentence is optional

    quecgnss.read(2048)  #Read data. The parameter is the number of bytes read each time

2021-10-18 16:12:29